We wish a warm welcome to all of our new members and guests.
You are invited to join our community. Parish registration cards are available at the entrance of the Church.
Please call 372-4092 or come by the parish office located at St Rose of Lima to meet Father Nadeau and to register.

Friday, September 30, 2016

By request this site will stay active.
Due to Google removing some required features the Summer Events and Bulletins will not function properly.  This will be fixed in the near future.

The WCAX: Pie Tour video featuring the Parish Pie Ladies is now attached to this page under the FAVORITE LINKS section.


Thursday, August 18, 2016

Google will be deprecating some of the resources required to keep this page interactive.

Therefore at the end of August 2016 this page will stop working.

As there is minimal participation on this page it should not be much of an issue with anyone.

If you have concerns or comments feel free to contact me at WebMaster.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Monsignor John McDermott held a meeting at St Joseph, Grand Isle to have a discussion about the future of the two parishes in Grand Isle County. [St Rose and St Amadeus]

Some factoids about the state of the Diocese:
Vt has 69 priests of which 3 are retiring this year.
65 are in parish ministry
15-18 are missionaries or Ordered priests [like Edmundites]
That leaves 45-47 diocesan parish priests in Vt.

There are 73 Parishes in Vt
Those parishes support 120 church buildings

Thus we have 45-47 priests to support 120 churches.

With the shortage of priests there is a need to manage the Grand Isle County Parishes using a single priest. The proposal before the Bishop is to:
1- Merge both parishes into a single parish [Name to be determined]
   -Single Parish Council
   -Single Finance Council
2- Retain the four churches and close nothing
   - St Rose [South Hero]
   - St Joseph [Grand Isle]
   - St Amadeus [Alburgh]
   - St Joseph [Isle La Motte]
3- Adjust Mass Schedule to allow a single priest to 'make the rounds'
   - St Rose [South Hero]  4PM Saturday
   - St Joseph [Isle La Motte] 6PM Saturday
   - St Joseph [Grand Isle] 9AM Sunday
   - St Amadeus [Alburgh] 10:30AM Sunday

The new schedule will be started with the weekend of May 1.
The Bishop will decide if that is the way he wants to go.

There was 30+ minutes of general discussion with very candid answers.
The new priest will be decided at a personnel meeting next Thursday and was not announced today.  There is a concerted attempt to have the new priest installed as our pastor in the beginning of June.
Suggestions about evangelization were brought up as a mechanism to employ in bringing members back to church.  Catholics do a lot of community service but rarely identify the service with catholic culture and 'we do this because it is what Jesus wants' types of statements.  If a few families a year can come back or sign up and they contribute one or all of the three 'T's [Time  Talent  Treasure] then each church will become much more viable.
The idea of using facebook was raised as a means to contact younger folks.  The Monsignor stated he has an account because the Bishop uses his account.  Bishop Coyne is very into the 'new media' but the diocese has not and will not declare any tool as required use.  All tools are up to the comfort level of the parish priest and will not be dictated to that priest.
Concerns have been raised about the controls associated with these types of media and mechanisms to stop blatantly incorrect comments from being published.  A whole new world for us all to explore....

The meeting ended at about 8:05PM with lots of sideline discussion as the congregation from the four churches departed.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Welcome to the St Rose of Lima Parish BLOG.

We are starting this site to provide us with a WEB presence.  As time goes by this site will improve, meaning more and more important items will be added.

Please comment on any element of this site.  The web master will not take criticism to heart as he is floundering with what to put in here or keep out.  He is requesting your assistance.